Proud to Care

Gary Hardman, Managing Director

Gary Hardman formed Proud To Care in 2012, and his team now look after 20 clients throughout Sheffield. They provide 310 hours of care each week, and require a flexible scheduling system that clients, staff and management can rely on.

75% time reduction in producing weekly rota

The Problem

Gary recalls: “Initially, I used prehistoric methods – Word documents and Excel spreadsheets. You can get away with this when you’re starting out, but need to look for alternatives as you grow. “I tried one software package that promised to help me organise and plan more efficiently, but it didn’t work; technical issues meant client visits were being missed,”

Gary was trying to build a service that champions quality and reliability – i.e being in the right place at the right time – so having these errors really undermined his efforts. After several incidents, the provider couldn’t fix the issue, so it was time to give CarePlanner a call.


“I tried one software package that promised to help me organise and plan more efficiently, but it didn’t work; technical issues meant client visits were being missed,”

“I’ve now got more time to support staff, be face-to-face with clients and their families, and offer a truly personal service. I no longer dwell on issues that were holding me back, as I know I can trust the software to work.”

The Solution

An online demonstration was organised and Gary was guided through our system. He continues: “I was looking for assurances that client visits couldn’t be missed, and Matt explained how CarePlanner’s process guaranteed this would never happen. That was a big tick for me.

“Additionally, there’s something very appealing about the CarePlanner presentation; I’m not very technically-minded, but it’s very intuitive and easy to use. I could instantly see how it would overcome the problems I’d experienced.”

He’d previously resorted to manually checking over 250 individual visits, just to ensure everything was in place on his old system. However, CarePlanner has eliminated this huge administrative burden and given Gary renewed confidence to build his business.

“I’ve now got more time to support staff, be face-to-face with clients and their families, and offer a truly personal service. I no longer dwell on issues that were holding me back, as I know I can trust the software to work.”

The Result

Time constraints had been hampering the whole operation, but Gary states: “CarePlanner has transformed my business. I’ve seen a 75% reduction in the time it takes to produce the weekly rota, which is phenomenal.

“I’ve now got more time to support staff, be face-to-face with clients and their families, and offer a truly personal service. I no longer dwell on issues that were holding me back, as I know I can trust the software to work.”

In the past 18 months, Proud To Care has quadrupled in size, picking up a national award along the way. Gary concludes: “We’re growing because we’re getting the basics right, and CarePlanner has allowed me to focus on the important things – developing relationships and supporting staff.

“Currently, I only use the scheduling tool, but I know it’s got the capacity to do more. I’ve only ever had to ask for help on a couple of occasions, and received an immediate response both times. Matt and the team offer an exceptional service, and I’d have to rate CarePlanner 10/10. It’s the heartbeat of my business and can’t be improved.”

“Currently, I only use the scheduling tool, but I know it’s got the capacity to do more. I’ve only ever had to ask for help on a couple of occasions, and received an immediate response both times. Matt and the team offer an exceptional service, and I’d have to rate CarePlanner 10/10.”

County Care

“The most recent update has really taken it to the next level, and they’re clearly a very forward-thinking company.”

Apollo Franchising

“The customer service has been brilliant. Really, really good. They’re so helpful. ”

Charlesworth Community Care

“We’re safe in the knowledge that the software works and will keep ticking along. I’d have to rate it 9/10.”

NHS Woodfield 24

“We constantly have new referrals, whilst other patients pass away or need to increase their number of visits at very short notice. Frankly, I don’t know how we’d cope without CarePlanner “

SOS Homecare

“We’re now becoming a paperless company because we rarely have to print anything out”

Unit 2.2, Regional Rural Business Centre,
Market Way, Bridgwater
TA6 6DF, United Kingdom