Electronic Call Monitoring

If you’re like most of our customers, you’ll want a reliable Electronic Call Monitoring system (ECM) in order to know where all your care workers are at any given time. You’ll want to know this for their own safety, for the safety of your service users, for the quality of care that you deliver and for the efficiency of your business.

With CarePlanner, you have no fewer than four cost-effective call monitoring solutions to choose from. All you have to do is to pick the one that works best for your business. And, of course, if you need some advice our support team is always on hand and happy to help.


Multiple monitoring methods


Works with or without a smartphone


Export call monitoring information


Get alerts for late attendance

Call monitoring mobile image

Start-Stop logging via the CarePlanner Mobile App

Our simplest electronic call monitoring solution is for care workers to simply log when they start or end a call by tapping a button on the CarePlanner Mobile App.

Even if they don’t have an internet connection at the time, the app will record the event and then upload it to CarePlanner system when signal returns. The duration of the appointment is recorded and can be viewed immediately by administrators.

The mobile app will also record the care worker’s location at the time they pressed the button, which is then visible on a map in the CarePlanner system.

OTP Devices

Our OTP (One Time Password) devices are a really popular choice for monitoring calls. The devices are small, robust little widgets that look a bit like pagers. They are usually kept in the keysafe, or in the care plan folder at the service user’s property.

Pressing a button on the OTP device brings up a six-digit number, which is unique to the time of day and service user. A care worker can then send this number via the mobile app, text it via SMS on their mobile phone, or even write it down on their timesheet and hand it to an administrator at the end of the day.

Because the code is unique, and can only be produced by one particular device at one particular time and date, it can always be verified by the CarePlanner system to guarantee that the care worker completed the call.

NFC Tags

You’ve probably seen NFC (Near Field Communication) tags built in to bus stops or used in shops. The coin-sized tags are left at a service user’s property and can be read by any smartphone. Electronic call monitoring with NFC Tags requires use of a smartphone NFC reader and the CarePlanner App to log in or out of the call.

The advantage of NFC tags is the speed – you can simply swipe a mobile phone over them. The CarePlanner App will automatically open, acknowledge your arrival, send this data back to the office and show you any care or medication notes that you need for the service user. Simple, secure and effective.

NFC tag monitoring is available on all NFC-enabled Android and Windows phones as well as iPhone 7 and up.

Landline call monitoring

If using the mobile app or OTP devices isn’t an option then our landline call monitoring (LCM) solution might be the solution.

Using the landline call monitoring system, care workers need only make a free, 5 second call from the service user’s landline to a dedicated number. The call is automatically picked up by the CarePlanner system and is shown to an administrator as ‘started’ or ‘completed’.

Call monitoring for the administrator

Whichever call monitoring option you choose for your care workers. Back in the office or at home, you’ll have access to a mine of useful information. Want to be alerted if a care worker hasn’t arrived at an appointment? Just tick a box and you’ll be notified by pop-up, email or text.

Want to know how punctual your care workers have been this week? We’ve got a report that will tell you just that.

Want to know where your care workers are at any given time? CarePlanner overlays their last known position on a map, based on call monitoring or GPS data.

CM2000 for Call Monitoring

If your local authority requires you to use CM2000 for logging in and out of calls, don’t worry – you can still do this whilst managing your schedule, invoicing and all other aspects via CarePlanner.


Nokia G21 Phone image

Mobile Phones from CarePlanner

If you’d like to use the mobile app in your service but staff don’t have up-to-date mobile phones, then do get in touch as our partner Radius Connect have exclusive offers for care providers. We have competitive mobile phone packages available, supplying you with exactly the right technology for mobile care work – including electronic call monitoring.

Care Unlimited tariff:

  • Unlimited minutes and texts
  • Unlimited data providing worry free working throughout the UK
  • Device management software including antivirus protection, remote wipe for any lost/ stolen devices, remote support, over the air device configuration and push notifications to name a few
  • Nationwide dedicated support
  • Free handset or SIM only options available
  • Managed service to suit any/ all business requirements
  • Bespoke solutions catered for upon request
  • Up to 40% cheaper than the networks direct

Please contact us for more details.

Additional Features

Travel Payments

Choose how and when to pay/bill for mileage, at what rate, and based on exact distances and the time travelled.


Set up detailed medication requirements for each service user. Never miss a medication delivery. Audit trail for all deliveries.

Invoicing and Payroll

One-click professionally branded invoice production and distribution. Customise timesheets for your staff.

Rota Scheduling

Complete your care worker rotas faster than ever before with our intelligent, simple visual rostering system.

Third Party Integrations

Full integration with CM2000 should you require it. Additional integration with other platforms and API connection possible.

Record Keeping

Keep track of staff training, service user requirements and day-to-day incidents with CarePlanner’s thorough record keeping system.

Carer Mobile App

Keep your care staff in the loop with our dedicated mobile app for Android, iPhone and Windows Phone.

Powerful Reporting

Report on any aspect of your business, and easily export data to Sage, Sage Payroll or HRM systems.


Customise colours, permissions, dashboards, alerts – it’s easy to make CarePlanner your own.

Easy & Secure Access

Login from anywhere. 256-bit, online banking-grade security; accessible to your staff from anywhere on virtually any device.

Communication and Alerts

Keep in touch with care workers on the move. Send rota, or care requirement, changes and receive notifications in real time.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Get in touch to find out more.

Saracen Care

“’CarePlanner has allowed us the freedom to be more forward thinking”

Abney & Baker

“We want [data] to be meaningful to us as a company and meaningful to the clients, their families and the carers as well.”

Quality Home Care

“It’s more easy and straightforward for me to complete everything, “

Winserve Care Services

“The Japanese speak of continuous improvement, Kaizen, and that’s what we got out of CarePlanner”

Nexus Care Services

“CarePlanner gives us the system to be able to put all of the tools together when we’re trying to provide person centred care.”

Care 4 U 2 Day

“This system is really really good. Because you can change things to how you want to run your business.”

Westmorland Care

“CarePlanner have that family feel. We very much thrive on that family feel.”

NHS Woodfield 24

“We constantly have new referrals, whilst other patients pass away or need to increase their number of visits at very short notice. Frankly, I don’t know how we’d cope without CarePlanner “

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