Technical Architecture

CarePlanner runs on Amazon Web Services – the dominant cloud service platform in the modern world.

Every web-based solution needs to be hosted somewhere, so at CarePlanner we have chosen the very best platform to support our growing customer base.

Being cloud-based, CarePlanner is updated behind the scenes by our team of developers continuously. But as a user, you never have to apply an update. Each time you log in online, you access the latest version of CarePlanner with the latest performance and security enhancements already present.


Powered by AWS Cloud Computing

Reliability, Backups and Encryption

CarePlanner uses a distributed infrastructure that does not have a single point of failure, with each node located within the European Union.

Our servers are located in three data centres in the Amazon Web Services complex in Dublin, Ireland, and a Google data centre in St. Ghislain, Belgium.

Both our Amazon and Google datacenters are accredited to ISO 27001 standards.


All changes made on a CarePlanner system are instantly replicated between our servers, reducing the possibility of any data loss in the event of server failure. Point-in-time recovery is possible for up to 35 days, meaning that in the event of a serious system error your database can be ‘rolled back’ to a point in time specified in minutes and seconds.

Encrypted, instant-access system backups are retained for 30 days, after which they are archived for a further 150 days.


Security is of central importance to CarePlanner, so all connections are secured with 256-bit banking-grade security. We undertake regular vulnerability/penetration testing to ensure our systems are resilient against malicious attacks.

Internally, the team at CarePlanner are required to undertake routine training and examination for secure information handling. This ensures we keep up to date on all relevant developments in internet security.

Any documents that you upload to the system are immediately encrypted using AES 256-bit encryption. The encryption key is stored outside of the file system, meaning that anyone who somehow managed to gain access to your documents on our servers would have no means of deciphering them.


Once a day, the data in your system’s database and any uploaded documents are encrypted using AES 256-bit encryption and transferred to secure storage in a different data centre.

You can find out more about security of the product here.


The future of care is connected and we are prepared for that future thanks to our Application Programming Interface (API). Our API gives us the ability to integrate with a wide range of other systems and services, enabling us to stay in step with any developments in care digitisation.

An API allows systems to exchange specified information seamlessly. This means that while the government continues to encourage connections in care by promoting increased digitisation across a range of services, 80% by 2024, we will be ready to make sure your agency can meet any new requirements and opportunities that arise.

API Connection Image

We already have several successful integrations with both third party suppliers and local authorities. Whether it is working with partners like SAGE and EveryLife or institutions like Essex County and Hillingdon Borough Councils, we are ready to keep you connected to the world, whatever shape it takes.

Mobile Apps

The CarePlanner apps are natively compiled for Android and iOS to ensure maximum performance, stability and security. Each app is regularly updated to ensure maximum compatibility with the latest mobile devices, whilst remaining backwards compatible with older devices too.

All communication between the app and the CarePlanner servers is conducted via a secure connection.

Administrators also have the option of requiring their staff members to set up a numeric passcode or alphanumeric password when using the device. The app will then prompt a user to enter this code each time it is opened.


All data stored in the CarePlanner app is encrypted at rest, meaning that even if the device was plugged into a computer to analyse its filesystem, personal data would remain unreadable.

If a mobile device were to be mislaid or fall into the wrong hands, a CarePlanner administrator can quickly revoke access for the device. This means that even if someone were to gain access to the mobile app, they would not have the opportunity to extract any sensitive information. Once the app receives the ‘deauthentication’ signal, all data it has stored is deleted.

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Unit 2.2, Regional Rural Business Centre,
Market Way, Bridgwater
TA6 6DF, United Kingdom