Travel Calculations and Management

Home care work will always involve travelling, and CarePlanner has been built to take account of the calculations involved in this.

CarePlanner has inbuilt digital mapping for the most accurate calculation of times and suggested routes – even factoring in live traffic updates.

The rostering system gives you visual warnings if you schedule without allowing sufficient travel time, and lets you quickly fix the issues via drag and drop.

Mileage payments can be made for time or distance travelled, after a given amount of miles or treating the office as a home location.


Digital map mileage data


Accurate mileage payments


Visual mileage alerts


Map displays for runs

Taking Account of Distance in Carer Recommendations

If you ask the system to recommend a care worker for an appointment, it will automatically take account of staff locations and the location of the service user in prioritising its suggestions.

If the care worker is about to start a day’s work, it will use either their home address or the office. If they are already mid-way through a run of appointments, the system will automatically choose the preceding appointment.

Highlighting Travel Time on the Rota

The graphical roster will clearly show you whether you have allowed insufficient travelling time between appointments, and highlight the lack of time in red.

It will even tell you how many minutes you need to allow to ensure that the care worker will be on time for the appointment.  You can then just drag and drop the appointment a little later in the day to compensate.

Travel mobile image

Accurate Travel Times and Mileage Data

When calculating travel time and distance for invoicing purposes, the system will pull in mapping data to generate the most accurate figures possible.

Inbuilt digital mapping tracks and reports on traffic delays and any changes of route. This ensures care workers are fairly compensated for extra time or distance covered if this is required.

The inbuilt digital mapping allows you to pay your staff for the exact mileage travelled without having to manually collect odometer readings.

Map Views

CarePlanner also offer a number of map-based views of your staff and service users, allowing you to make proximity-based decisions for appointment allocations.

And don’t forget that a care worker equipped with our mobile app will never be out of touch either with the office, their rotas or, most importantly, up-to-date care information about service users.

Additional Features


Set up detailed medication requirements for each service user. Never miss a medication delivery. Audit trail for all deliveries.

Call Monitoring (ECM)

Know for certain that a carer has attended an appointment, and receive a warning if they haven’t arrived.

Invoicing and Payroll

One-click professionally branded invoice production and distribution. Customise timesheets for your staff.

Rota Scheduling

Complete your care worker rotas faster than ever before with our intelligent, simple visual rostering system.

Third Party Integrations

Full integration with CM2000 should you require it. Additional integration with other platforms and API connection possible.

Record Keeping

Keep track of staff training, service user requirements and day-to-day incidents with CarePlanner’s thorough record keeping system.

Carer Mobile App

Keep your care staff in the loop with our dedicated mobile app for Android, iPhone and Windows Phone.

Powerful Reporting

Report on any aspect of your business, and easily export data to Sage, Sage Payroll or HRM systems.


Customise colours, permissions, dashboards, alerts – it’s easy to make CarePlanner your own.

Easy & Secure Access

Login from anywhere. 256-bit, online banking-grade security; accessible to your staff from anywhere on virtually any device.

Communication and Alerts

Keep in touch with care workers on the move. Send rota, or care requirement, changes and receive notifications in real time.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Get in touch to find out more.

Saracen Care

“’CarePlanner has allowed us the freedom to be more forward thinking”

Abney & Baker

“We want [data] to be meaningful to us as a company and meaningful to the clients, their families and the carers as well.”

Quality Home Care

“It’s more easy and straightforward for me to complete everything, “

Winserve Care Services

“The Japanese speak of continuous improvement, Kaizen, and that’s what we got out of CarePlanner”

Nexus Care Services

“CarePlanner gives us the system to be able to put all of the tools together when we’re trying to provide person centred care.”

Care 4 U 2 Day

“This system is really really good. Because you can change things to how you want to run your business.”

Westmorland Care

“CarePlanner have that family feel. We very much thrive on that family feel.”

NHS Woodfield 24

“We constantly have new referrals, whilst other patients pass away or need to increase their number of visits at very short notice. Frankly, I don’t know how we’d cope without CarePlanner “

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TA6 6DF, United Kingdom