Customisation in Care

Customisation in care is crucial. That’s because if there’s one thing that’s common to all social care organisations it’s that no two are the same. Many provide outstanding care, but they do so in ways that have taken years to refine and develop, and many registered managers are rightly proud of their own recipes.

At CarePlanner, we respect that diversity. In fact, we encourage it! We’ve built our system to be as flexible as possible, whilst still providing plenty of assistance along the way if you find yourself in unfamiliar territory.


Your system; your setup


Filter by region


Customise colours


Lock down permissions

User Permissions

Any organisation processes information that shouldn’t be visible to every member of staff. Nowhere is this more true – or more important – than in social care: rota administrators need not be privy to payroll data; on-call care workers shouldn’t be able to run company-wide reports; branch managers shouldn’t be able to look up details of service users for whom they are not responsible.

To support this, the CarePlanner system offers a whole suite of granular permissions which can be applied to your admin users, giving you complete control over what your staff can see, do and change.

The system is very powerful – with just a few clicks you can set up an on-call role with the ability to make changes to a daily roster and create diary entries for clients, but not to be able to change rolling schedules or to edit other people’s diary entries.

And don’t forget, every action performed in CarePlanner is logged and recorded, so finding out who made what changes is never more than a few clicks away.

Regional Differences

As care organisations take on new contracts, acquire new properties or merge with other providers, geographical splits can easily emerge. Service users usually remain within a single geographical area, whereas care staff often work across multiple localities.

CarePlanner keeps these situations logical and manageable. The system allows you to assign any carer or client to multiple regions, and move them between regions whenever you choose. You can then choose to filter by region, and the filter stays in place regardless of whether you are viewing a roster, generating invoices or entering the details of a local GP.

Colour Preferences

What colour says ‘unassigned appointment’ to you? Red? Orange? Black? We tried to guess… and then gave up! Instead, we gave our users the choice to pick colours for the key informational elements of our graphical rosters.

It’s a little thing that can make a big difference in the life of a busy rota administrator, and helps to highlight calls that might otherwise go unallocated.

Customisation in care is crucial, but it can also be creative!


Data types

The beauty of the CarePlanner system is that you can be up-and-running and creating your first rota in minutes. But after you’ve used the system for a while you’ll want to start entering some ‘default’ settings for certain areas. When you reach this stage, CarePlanner is there to help.

You can set up preset appointments (such as the “morning call”, the “lunch call” and the “tea call”), which not only pre-populate the appointment form with the correct times, but also add any required care tasks.

You can add contacts that are shared across multiple clients (there’s no point adding the details of that day centre multiple times just because several of your clients attend).

You can create regular training session types and then book multiple carers onto the sessions in one go.

You can even add your own bank holidays to the system, which will then trigger enhanced pay rates if appropriate. Customisation in care planning features allows you to shape the way you record and report data.

Warnings & Alerts

There are always times when things don’t go to plan, and care provision is no different. When it happens, you want to be alerted as soon as possible so that you can act to put things right.  Therefore, customisation in care provisions can be incredibly useful.

CarePlanner gives you the opportunity to be alerted as a result of a number of conditions, ranging from a carer running five minutes late for an appointment through to key care tasks not being performed.

You can choose who should receive the alert, when and how (SMS, email or on-screen). You can even choose to receive alerts via SMS only for your high-risk service users.

Supporting Franchises

CarePlanner is perfectly suited to deployment in franchise businesses. With all branches using the same software, management and support becomes easy. Because procedures and care provision practices are often shared between branches a common system setup usually makes sense.

Franchise owners can request the same standard reports from each of their franchisees, making administration and monitoring considerably simpler.

Additional Features

Travel Payments

Choose how and when to pay/bill for mileage, at what rate, and based on exact distances and the time travelled.

Call Monitoring (ECM)

Know for certain that a carer has attended an appointment, and receive a warning if they haven’t arrived.

Invoicing and Payroll

One-click professionally branded invoice production and distribution. Customise timesheets for your staff.

Rota Scheduling

Complete your care worker rotas faster than ever before with our intelligent, simple visual rostering system.

Third Party Integrations

Full integration with CM2000 should you require it. Additional integration with other platforms and API connection possible.

Record Keeping

Keep track of staff training, service user requirements and day-to-day incidents with CarePlanner’s thorough record keeping system.

Carer Mobile App

Keep your care staff in the loop with our dedicated mobile app for Android, iPhone and Windows Phone.

Powerful Reporting

Report on any aspect of your business, and easily export data to Sage, Sage Payroll or HRM systems.


Set up detailed medication requirements for each service user. Never miss a medication delivery. Audit trail for all deliveries.

Easy & Secure Access

Login from anywhere. 256-bit, online banking-grade security; accessible to your staff from anywhere on virtually any device.

Communication and Alerts

Keep in touch with care workers on the move. Send rota, or care requirement, changes and receive notifications in real time.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Get in touch to find out more.

Saracen Care

“’CarePlanner has allowed us the freedom to be more forward thinking”

Abney & Baker

“We want [data] to be meaningful to us as a company and meaningful to the clients, their families and the carers as well.”

Quality Home Care

“It’s more easy and straightforward for me to complete everything, “

Winserve Care Services

“The Japanese speak of continuous improvement, Kaizen, and that’s what we got out of CarePlanner”

Nexus Care Services

“CarePlanner gives us the system to be able to put all of the tools together when we’re trying to provide person centred care.”

Care 4 U 2 Day

“This system is really really good. Because you can change things to how you want to run your business.”

Westmorland Care

“CarePlanner have that family feel. We very much thrive on that family feel.”

NHS Woodfield 24

“We constantly have new referrals, whilst other patients pass away or need to increase their number of visits at very short notice. Frankly, I don’t know how we’d cope without CarePlanner “

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