
CarePlanner is licensed to be as flexible and fair as possible. Our pay-as-you-go approach to licensing means you are never locked in to a lengthy contract – our customers stay with us because they love CarePlanner, not because it’s hard to leave.

Unlimited Care Workers and Service Users

CarePlanner is not licensed according to how many care workers, or service users are listed on the system. We only charge for administrators to use the system. There is no limit on the amount of documents which can be stored either.

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How CarePlanner is licensed

CarePlanner is licensed per concurrent user. This means a single license can be used by multiple people, just not at the same time. If you have one CarePlanner license, you can have an unlimited number of different users who can use this – each with their own profile settings and preferences.

Concurrent licensing simply means there is a limit on how many people can log in as administrators at the same time. So if you want to have two administrators using the system at the same time, you need to purchase two CarePlanner licenses.

Multiple user profiles to support GDPR compliance

Setting up multiple users in CarePlanner makes activity auditing for GDPR simple. Activity is logged against each user and access to content or controls can be limited to specific individuals.

Audit trail reports can be easily generated if necessary to see who made what changes, and at what time.

This is a significant advantage over systems  where multiple users log in under one user’s access details.

30-day rolling contracts

All CarePlanner licenses are implemented as rolling 30-day contracts. This means customers are free to leave without being locked in to an annual (or longer) license.

Scale your teams up or down with the flexibility you need.

All customers are subject to an initial 90-day minimum term before moving to a 30-day rolling contract. This is required to cover the initial investment of time from CarePlanner to set up each new customer.

Enterprise licensing

At CarePlanner, we understand the need for service level agreements (SLAs), thorough training and dedicated support.

For our larger clients, we offer the option of comprehensive SLAs, structured on-boarding programs, a dedicated account manager and on-site training.

Detailed contracts can be produced to ensure all aspects of on-boarding, management and support are outlined and adhered to.

Get in touch to find out more.

Unit 2.2, Regional Rural Business Centre,
Market Way, Bridgwater
TA6 6DF, United Kingdom