Christmas is a time for family, for tradition and celebration. At CarePlanner we have a tradition of our own: the 12 Carers of Christmas is about celebrating home carers for the amazing work they do year round. While health care is about keeping people alive, social care is about keeping people living their best lives. Our 12 carers are uplifting examples of the power and purpose of home care, and show how critical and valuable a service it is for all of our communities.

Our ninth carer of Christmas is Michelle Fane, a Team Leader with Medical Partnerships in Essex. Michelle has been a guiding light throughout the pandemic, as she continuously stepped up to meet the considerable demands facing her team. Never one to back down from a challenge or fail to back up a colleague Michelle is the type of team player we all want on our side.

Michelle carries the value of care in every action she does. She legitimises all of the service users who she visits, helping them to reclaim their lives. This can take many specific forms depending on the person. Earlier this month Michelle organised a variety of gingerbread themed activities for one service user. She’s also known for leading a good boogie when the opportunity arises!

“I have known Michelle for a number of years,” says her co-worker CP. “Firstly as a colleague in our care company, and now Michelle is our Team Leader. Nothing seems too much trouble for Michelle: she is always available, either to sort out any problems or to offer advice. Michelle cares for our clients and staff above and beyond what is expected of her. I consider Michelle a good friend as well as a work colleague.”

Michelle’s experience and skill makes her particularly good at helping service users living with dementia. Her ability to build meaningful connections is rooted in her character and branches out to everyone she touches. She had a tradition of making a Christmas dinner and hamper for one service user, who had no family, so they could continue to enjoy the holiday season.

Michelle Fane Profile

Always looking to lift up and empower those around her, Michelle also draws upon her experience as a carer to inform the management and guidance she provides to her team members, helping them to develop into the best versions of themselves.

“I am so glad to have Michelle as a line manager,” says team member JHP. “She is always helpful and knowledgeable, [she’s] able to assist me with any queries in a patient and professional manner. She is always approachable and has helped me grow as a carer.”

Dedication has become synonymous with Michelle at Medical Partnerships. Whether it is in relation to the service users or the staff, everyone knows Michelle has your back.
“Michelle is a genuine, caring, trustworthy, lovely lady,” says CB. She will always go above and beyond to help anyone professionally or personally.”

The confidence good leadership can bring is invaluable to care teams, especially when facing the stark realities of providing care in the past two years.

“Michelle is fantastic at what she does,” says NW. “She always goes above and beyond and puts the clients, their families and her colleagues before herself. She is always available to help with any questions you may have, and she takes pride in her work.”

Michelle finds the ways to lift people’s spirits and will often find herself going above and beyond to do it. Regardless of your situation, Michelle is dedicated to helping you find your way, and find some joy on the journey. As her Registered Manager Yemi told us: “We would be totally lost without her.”

Read about our other carers of Christmas here.