We have listed what we consider to be the top home care events in 2019 below.  CarePlanner will be in attendance at each event, so drop by our stand for a tea/coffee and a chat.  We’re always keen to demonstrate CarePlanner in person, answer questions or just hear from you about your challenges and aspirations for the year ahead.

One of the recurring themes we see across home care events in 2019 is the role technology plays in improving care quality and efficiency in home care management.  We feel this has never been more important, as home care agencies struggle to do more with less.

Budgets are under pressure and recruiting the right staff is harder than ever.  Care agencies need the right systems in place to work more efficiently than ever before.  We look forward to being part of this conversation at trade shows throughout 2019.


Dementia Care and Nursing Home Expo

26th & 27th March, Birmingham NEC


With 7 seminar theatres boasting CPD accredited seminars led by pioneering professionals within the social care sector, there will be a vast array of learning opportunities for visitors to apply when they return to work.

Each theatre will have a distinct focus, from business growth, technology & innovation, training & care development, and thanks to working in association with UKHCA, a homecare focus as well.

We’re looking forward to various talks on the topic of using technology to improve quality of care through better organisation, data handling and connected systems.


Southern Care Show

14th May, Farnborough


The largest adult social care event in the South of England. A new event for 2019, this aims to educate care professionals from across the sector, covering Residential & Nursing Care, Homecare, Learning Disability and Mental Health.

As a new trade show, we’re excited to see such an authoritative range of speakers spanning government bodies, CQC, National Care Forum amongst other industry heavyweights.


Health Plus Care Show

26th & 27th June, Excel Centre

https://www.healthpluscare.co.uk, or more specifically https://www.residentialandhomecareshow.co.uk which is a subsection of this event.

The Residential & Home Care Show is the event where owners, directors, CEO’s, head of departments, registered managers and senior management teams from care homes, dementia homes, nursing homes, care villages, extra care specialists, housing associations and all forms of home care providers gather to gain ideas, products and services to boost their business and improve levels of care.

There’s no denying the scale of this show.  Even the residential and home care subsection is set to fill a considerable area.  A wide range of experts will be covering home care topics in the dedicated homecare theatre.


The CareShow

9th & 10th October, Birmingham NEC


The Care Show provides expert-led CPD accredited conference sessions, hands-on training, latest solutions and networking opportunities to support those connected to and responsible for providing excellent care for others.

80+ expert speakers, 60+ CPD accredited conference sessions across 4 theatres.

The last show of the year for us, but certainly not the least.  Every year the care show brings together a vast number of care professionals to debate the latest topics and trends in healthcare.  The high number of CPD accredited sessions should give you some idea of the quality you can expect here.

Keeping up with the latest in Home Care News

Between these events, we’ll be closely following the twitter feeds for each as well as all our favourite sources of news – from the UKHCA, to CMM and everything in between.  Keep an eye on our twitter feed – we’ll repost important news which catches our eye.  We’ll also start producing a regular newsletter in the coming months; watch this space!